
Documentation home for Transend tools



Exports all resources from a GroupWise tenant.



Export-GWResources -ConfigNode <String> [-Target <String>] [-Format <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Export-GWResources [-ShowPrereqs] [<CommonParameters>]


Use the Export-GWResources cmdlet to export all resources from a GroupWise tenant.


Example 1: Translate for import into Google Workspace


This example exports all resources from a GroupWise tenant. The exported data is formatted as CSV, translated for import into Google Workspace, and saved to the file resources.csv.

Tenant configuration

Tenant Direction APIs
GroupWise Source REST API, SOAP API


  Source = @{
    GWServer         = 'groupwise.source.org'
    GWTrustedAppName = 'TMCTools'
    GWTrustedAppKey  = '8C7A44010D390000B6E3E738F0DECCC78C7A44020D390000A21E3E559C55529B'

Export-GWResources -ConfigNode Source -Target Google -Format Csv >'resources.csv'

Example 2: Translate for import into Microsoft 365


This example exports all resources from a GroupWise tenant. The exported data is formatted as CSV, translated for import into Microsoft 365, and saved to the file resources.csv.

Tenant configuration

Tenant Direction APIs
GroupWise Source REST API, SOAP API


  Source = @{
    GWServer         = 'groupwise.source.org'
    GWTrustedAppName = 'TMCTools'
    GWTrustedAppKey  = '8C7A44010D390000B6E3E738F0DECCC78C7A44020D390000A21E3E559C55529B'

Export-GWResources -ConfigNode Source -Target M365 -Format Csv >'resources.csv'

Example 3: Translate for import into GroupWise


This example exports all resources from a GroupWise tenant. The exported data is formatted as CSV, translated for import into GroupWise, and saved to the file resources.csv.

Tenant configuration

Tenant Direction APIs
GroupWise Source REST API, SOAP API


  Source = @{
    GWServer         = 'groupwise.source.org'
    GWTrustedAppName = 'TMCTools'
    GWTrustedAppKey  = '8C7A44010D390000B6E3E738F0DECCC78C7A44020D390000A21E3E559C55529B'

Export-GWResources -ConfigNode Source -Target GroupWise -Format Csv >'resources.csv'

Example 4: Translate for use as a migration list


This example exports all resources from a GroupWise tenant. The exported data is formatted as CSV, translated for use as a migration list, and saved to the file resources.csv.

Tenant configuration

Tenant Direction APIs
GroupWise Source REST API, SOAP API


  Source = @{
    GWServer         = 'groupwise.source.org'
    GWTrustedAppName = 'TMCTools'
    GWTrustedAppKey  = '8C7A44010D390000B6E3E738F0DECCC78C7A44020D390000A21E3E559C55529B'

Export-GWResources -ConfigNode Source -Target MigrationList -Format Csv >'resources.csv'

Example 5: No translation


This example exports all resources from a GroupWise tenant. The exported data is formatted as CSV and saved to the file resources.csv.

Note that in this example, no translation is applied, which can be useful for inspecting the raw state of data in the source tenant.

Tenant configuration

Tenant Direction APIs
GroupWise Source REST API, SOAP API


  Source = @{
    GWServer         = 'groupwise.source.org'
    GWTrustedAppName = 'TMCTools'
    GWTrustedAppKey  = '8C7A44010D390000B6E3E738F0DECCC78C7A44020D390000A21E3E559C55529B'

Export-GWResources -ConfigNode Source -Format Csv >'resources.csv'



The TMCTools.psd1 configuration node to use.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: Action
Accepted values: Source, Target

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The output type for exported data.

Note that extended properties cannot be serialized into CSV format. When using -Format Csv, extended properties will display as System.Collections.Hashtable in the output.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: Action
Accepted values: Csv, Json, Objects

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: Objects
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Prints the cmdlet prerequisites.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: Help

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies a translation target for the exported data. Exported data translated for a supported target is directly consumable by a corresponding import cmdlet.

To export untranslated data, use -Target None.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: Action
Accepted values: Google, GroupWise, M365, MigrationList, None

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.






  • Additional TMCTools.psd1 configurations may be required for some environments.

    • Use GWInsecure = $true to disable certificate checking with the GroupWise server (default: $false).

    • Use GWRestPort to configure the REST API port (default: 9710).

    • Use GWRestTlsProtocol to configure the TLS protocol for the REST API. Available options are Default (default), Tls, Tls11, Tls12, and Tls13.

    • Use GWSoapPort to configure the REST API port (default: 7191).

    • Use GWSoapTlsProtocol to configure the TLS protocol for the SOAP API. Available options are Default (default), Tls, Tls11, Tls12, and Tls13.

TMCTools configuration options